Friday, February 28, 2014

1.What are the local Winds found in an area ?

PrevailingWind:is the wind from direction and particular place or season.

Jet Stream:is narrow band of wind that move around the Earth by high speed

Sea Breeze:During the day , the air above land heat and rise which cause low air pressure

Land Breeze:At night the air move oppositely which  cause cool , dense air.

Mountain Breeze:The temperature of the mountain decrease at night which cool drop  call the  mountain breeze.

Valley Breeze:During the day , Heat by the sun become warm air and rise in valley which is valley


Monsoon:wind that change direction depend on the season

Wind Vane:instrument that measure wind direction

Anemometer:Instrument that measure wind speed

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Weather Project - Do-Now

Video Website
Local Winds
Write the answers in your notebook:

1. What is a Sea Breeze? Describe 2 things about it.


2. What is a Land Breeze? Describe 2 things about it.

3. What do think causes these local winds?

Bonus:  What is a Local Wind ?

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Moon Phase

 lunar revolution - translacion de la luna - the moon revolved the earth
lunar revolution length- longitud  de la revolucion de la luna -29.5
phase of the moon fases lunares - the differen shape of the moon
waxing moon - luna creciente-when the moon get bigger
waning moon- menguante - when the moon get smaller
new moon- luna nueva - when the moon is all black
gibbous moon- luna menguante-when the moon are more than half


 is when the moon moves around the earth the moon  takes 29.5 to one revolution.when the moon are all black that call the new moon . after finish all the phase the moon change again to all white that call full moon.

1.What did you enjoy most about this project and why? one thing that i like most about this project was recording the video because for me was one of the funny thing about the project.
2.what was most challenging for you during this project and why ? one challenging for me was make the video in imovie because for me was so confusion
3.what new skills did you learn from doing this project?  one skill that I learn from this project was how to make movie more easy because when I try to make my movie i was so confusing and I wasting a lot time in class . there anything that you could have done to improve any of your work? yes how to save my time and other things .

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Science is fun
I like play video games and other things
Nothing scares me
Shofan is my favorite food
I will be a actor when I grow up
I have 1siblings
My favorite color is black and white
My favorite thing to do is boring people on Facebook