Friday, February 28, 2014

1.What are the local Winds found in an area ?

PrevailingWind:is the wind from direction and particular place or season.

Jet Stream:is narrow band of wind that move around the Earth by high speed

Sea Breeze:During the day , the air above land heat and rise which cause low air pressure

Land Breeze:At night the air move oppositely which  cause cool , dense air.

Mountain Breeze:The temperature of the mountain decrease at night which cool drop  call the  mountain breeze.

Valley Breeze:During the day , Heat by the sun become warm air and rise in valley which is valley


Monsoon:wind that change direction depend on the season

Wind Vane:instrument that measure wind direction

Anemometer:Instrument that measure wind speed

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Weather Project - Do-Now

Video Website
Local Winds
Write the answers in your notebook:

1. What is a Sea Breeze? Describe 2 things about it.


2. What is a Land Breeze? Describe 2 things about it.

3. What do think causes these local winds?

Bonus:  What is a Local Wind ?